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Computer Careers Book

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Thursday, February 17, 2005

This updates the article at:

Unix for Not Yet Techies

Unix itself, the operating system, has not changed much.

Probably the biggest news is that Sun MicroSystems
is releasing its version of Unix, for its Solaris
server, as an open source project. So the latest
version of Unix (which already has many versions)
is OpenSolaris.

Otherwise, the main changes in Unix are for its
close cousin, Linux.

To learn more, go to:


For more information about OpenSolaris, go to:


This updates the article at:

UML for Not Yet Techies

The actual current version of UML / Unified Modeling
Language is 1.5, which you can download for free.

The Object Management Group, which owned UML / Unified
Modeling Language, is in the process of discussing and
deciding up the first update, 2.0.

UML takes advantage of the trend toward model-driven
software development, or Model Driven Architecture /
MDA, which is a higher-level than normal
way of planning out software needs and functions - it helps
creates an architecture of software, and can be used to
develop with object oriented programming languages such
as C++ and Java.

This new version of UML / Unified Modeling Language is
modular, so you can learn and use one area of it that
applies to you, without learning what you don't need to

Although 2.0 is not yet "official," there are products
available supporting it.

For more information, go to:

UML / Unified Modeling Language

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