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Computer Careers Book

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Friday, January 23, 2004

A small challenge to myself today -- what is there to update on
that most ancient and venerable of computer programming languages,

Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, the only two languages you heard
about ( that is, where wereoutside of proprietary languages made to work
with proprietary hardware), were Fortran and COBOL.

COBOL was the "business" lanquage and Fortran the "scientific" language,
because of its still superior numeric abilities.

A company called The Fortran Company markets a "subset" of modern
Fortran called simply F.

Fortran is still used especially in the engineering field and also is taught
in many computer science programs in colleges and universities. You can
buy or download many compilers and tools etc for Fortran from Visual
Studio .NET to Linux compilers

There's also a coalition of companies who have come up with a set of
extensions to Fortran 90 they call HPF -- High Performance Fortran.

The Fortran Company
The Fortran Library

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