Computer Careers Book
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
This updates the article at:
Delphi for Not Yet Techie
The current version of Delphi is known as Borland® Delphi™ 7
Studio. It comes in four different versions is more deliberately
aimed at providing the development tools for large scale
business and e-commerce software development. It uses what
Borland calls "Model Driven Architecture™" (MDA).
Delphi 7 Studio also has cross-platform features and is designed
to be used with Microsoft's .NET platform.
Delphi 7 Studio is what Borland is now promoting and selling
on their website. The next version has been announced as
Delphi 9 -- code named Diamondback.
It will be first seen at Borland Conference 2004 - Borcon 2004.
The Delphi 9 IDE supports multiple personalities, Win 32, .NET and C#.
But there's so far no word on when it will be available.