Computer Careers Book
Friday, August 06, 2004
C Programming Certifications
This is an update to my article at:
C Certifications for Not Yet Techies
Learning Tree has revised their program. There is no C language
only certification that I can find.
There is a C++ Object-Oriented Programming Certified
Professional credential.
To earn this you must pass two required courses:
1. Object Oriented (OO) Analysis & Design Using UML (Course 323 - 5 days)
2. C++ Programming Introduction (Course 327 - 4 days)
You must also pass one out of six possible elective courses.
These are:
a. Object, Component and Service-Oriented Architectures (Course 215 - 4 days)
b. C# Programming: Hands-On (Course 419 - 4 days)
c. UML: A Comprehensive Hands-On Introduction (Course 216 - 4 days)
d. Hands-On Java Programming (Course 471 - 4 days)
e. Technical Writing: A Comprehensive Hands-On Introduction (Course 319 - 4 days)
f. Applying Object-Oriented Design Patterns: Hands-On (Course 318 - 4 days)