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Computer Careers Book

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Notes on outsourcing of customer service
For those of you concerned about the outsourcing of customer service to reps living in India, I have good news from a "secret" source. Dell Computer is concerned about how using customer service reps in India is affecting their reputation. They plan to start moving their customer service operations back to North America.

I rarely watch TV, but on Thanksgiving I did see some, and couldn't be notice during a commercial for Gateway Computers that they used "North American based customer service" as a benefit or selling point. Maybe that affected Dell's decision.

Of course, this is not to knock Indian customer service reps. They could not do worse than the American techie I had a few years ago who worked for Microsoft. He refused to read or understand what I wrote to him in my emails, just scanned them for keywords and sent back canned replies that didn't address MY problem. I finally got satisfaction from a supervisor.

My cousin told me that he had a quite positive experience with an Indian woman -- "Grace" -- when he needed help with a wireless router for his home network. It took an hour and a half, but they finally got it working. He said that she knew what she was doing and was very patient. There were only a few times when he didn't understand her due to her accent and she didn't understand him due to him using some slang.

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