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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Oracle Certifications
This updates the article at:

Oracle Certifications for Not Yet Techies

The biggest news about Oracle is its takeover of rival
PeopleSoft. That isn't really about certifications, but
down the road will probably have an impact on Oracle
certifications, as Oracle integrates PeopleSoft's
products and technologies into its own business.

Oracle has certifications for the following job roles:

1. Database Administrator
2. Application Developer
3. Web Application Server Administrator
4. DBA OCP Special Accreditations

1. Database Administrator

Oracle is still offering certifications in Oracle 9i,
but the latest version is Oracle 10g, so I will focus
on that.

The entry level Oracle Database Administrator credential
is Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate. You must
pass exam #1Z0-042 Oracle Database 10g: Administration I. You have
two hours to answer 75 questions. You must get at least 49 (65%)
correct to pass.

The next level Oracle Database Administrator certification is
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Professional. You must
pass Exam #1Z1-043 Oracle Database 10g: Administration II, which
became available in Beta in November 2004.

The final level Oracle Database Administrator certification is:
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Master. Oracle is
planning to require an intensive, 2-day hands-on exam for this
level, but that is not yet available.

2. Application Developer

The entry level credential for application developers is
Oracle9i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate. You must
pass 2 exams:

A. Exam #1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL
You have 2 hours to answer 52 questions. You must get
at least 40 (71%) correct to pass.


Exam #1Z0-001 Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL

You have two hours to answer 57 questions. You must get
at least 39 of them (68%) correct to pass.

B. Exam #1Z0-147 Oracle9i: Program with PL/SQL

You have 1 1/2 hours to answer 66 questions. You must get
at least 51 (77%) of them correct to pass.

The next level is Oracle9i Forms Developer Certified Professional.
You must pass one test -- Exam #1Z0-141 Oracle9i Forms Developer:
Build Internet Applications.

You have 2 hours to answer 69 questions. You must get at
least 42 (60%) correct to pass.

3. Web Application Server Administrator

The only current certification in this category is the
Oracle9i Application Server Certified Associate.

You must pass one test -- Exam #1Z0-301 Oracle9iAS: Basic
Administration. You have 2 hours to answer 83 questions.
You must get 53 (83%) correct to pass.

4. DBA OCP Special Accreditations
Once you are an Oracle Certified Professional you can
add to your credentials through what Oracle is calling
special accreditations. The first one is Managing Oracle9i on Linux.
The prerequisite is Oracle9i Database Administrator
Certified Professional
Then you must pass one test -- Exam #1Z0-036: Managing Oracle9i
on Linux.

You have 2 hours to answer 59 questions. You must get 34 (57%) of
them correct to pass.

For more information, go to:

Oracle certifications

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